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The core of AppsFlyer is our data — currently over 70 billion events a day — and like our company, our data is growing rapidly. Managing and providing analytics for this data is a huge service we provide to our clients.
Working with this enormous volume of data begins with massive ETL pipelines built using modern industry standard tooling such as Kafka, S3, Yarn/Hadoop and especially Spark. Then providing access to this data requires employing multiple database technologies each suited to the specific analytics tasks. The databases we use are constantly evolving but currently include BigQuery, MemSQL, HBase, Aerospike, Druid, Redis and more. We are big believers in working with the right tool for the right job, including in programming languages. We run a truly polyglot shot with Scala, Clojure, Python, Ruby, Go and JavaScript being especially common here at AppsFlyer. The extreme growth rate of our data and client base means that solutions need to be designed to handle 10X growth or more. Supporting this rapid pace of growth and polyglot development is a sophisticated automated deployment and scaling infrastructure that deploys docker containers into multiple cloud environments.