Candidate’s Short Bio
Used Amazon Web Services with hands on exercises: EC2, Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic Block
Store (EBS), VPC, Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Autoscaling, IAM, Security Groups, Cloud Formation,
Cloud Watch, Simple Queue Service (SQS), Lambda, Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Elastic
Kubernetes Service (EKS), Elastic Container Service (ECS), AWS CLI, Cloud Front, Route 53,
Certificate Manager.
Experienced non-commercial hands-on with DevOps tools: Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible,
Expert in designing and building effective Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines using
containerization, orchestration, monitoring, infrastructure automation tools, configuration management
tools, and AWS solutions. Highly adaptable, flexible professional who embraces teamwork but also
likes to work independently. Armed with remarkable problem solving, multitasking, and time
management abilities.