Candidate’s Short Bio
● Programming languages: Java, Kotlin.
● Operating systems: Windows Family(XP, 7,8, 10), Linux, macOS, DOS.
● Tools and technologies: Android Studio, JIRA, XML,HTTP, CSS, JSON, Sqlite, Scrum, Agile, confluence,
Android SDK, Android NDK, Dagger2, Moxy, Retrofit2, Volley, RxJava, LiveData, RxLifecycle, RetroLambda,
DbFlow, Realm, RxSqLite, Room, Services, Content Providers, Broadcast Receivers, Glide, Picasso,
RxLoaders, RobotoTextView, EventBus, Firebase, ButterKnife, StaggeredGridLayout, 3D Secure,
AppsFlyer, Google services, AdMob, Familiarity with cloud message APIs and push notifications,
ConstraintLayout, Parse, ParseServer, Hockey, AppsFlyer, Google Analytics, Yandex metrika, Google Maps,
Bluetooth le, WebSockets, Blockchain, AWS, Coroutines, Osmand, Git.
● Others: Socket Programming, Multithreading, OOP, UML, Architectural solutions and principles (Clean
architecture, MVP, MVVM, MVA, Redux)