Android Engineer
$ 500
Bonus requested by Recommender
0 trust score
No Information
Full Time, Remote
from $ 5,000
Only for: Ukraine (Odesa)
Google Analytics XML JSON Firebase AppsFlyer scrum AWS Blockchain CSS JIRA Git Confluence Room RXJava RetroLambda Dagger2 Butterknife Realm Agile Android SDK SQLite WebSockets Google Maps Android Studio EventBus HTTP coroutines Glide Android NDK Retrofit2 Moxy Volley LiveData RxLifecycle DbFlow RxSqLite Services Content Providers Broadcast Receivers Picasso RxLoaders RobotoTextView StaggeredGridLayout 3D Secure Google services Parse ParseServer Hockey Yandex metrika Bluetooth le Osmand
Created At February 12, 2022
Candidate’s Short Bio

● Programming languages: Java, Kotlin.
● Operating systems: Windows Family(XP, 7,8, 10), Linux, macOS, DOS.
● Tools and technologies: Android Studio, JIRA, XML,HTTP, CSS, JSON, Sqlite, Scrum, Agile, confluence,
Android SDK, Android NDK, Dagger2, Moxy, Retrofit2, Volley, RxJava, LiveData, RxLifecycle, RetroLambda,
DbFlow, Realm, RxSqLite, Room, Services, Content Providers, Broadcast Receivers, Glide, Picasso,
RxLoaders, RobotoTextView, EventBus, Firebase, ButterKnife, StaggeredGridLayout, 3D Secure,
AppsFlyer, Google services, AdMob, Familiarity with cloud message APIs and push notifications,
ConstraintLayout, Parse, ParseServer, Hockey, AppsFlyer, Google Analytics, Yandex metrika, Google Maps,
Bluetooth le, WebSockets, Blockchain, AWS, Coroutines, Osmand, Git.
● Others: Socket Programming, Multithreading, OOP, UML, Architectural solutions and principles (Clean
architecture, MVP, MVVM, MVA, Redux)

Сandidate’s Personal Information
A Candidate’s personal information will be provided when a Recommender agrees to the request of the Hiring Company.
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