Golang Senior software Engineer
$ 3,000
Bonus requested by Recommender
Glittering Crow
Glittering Crow 20 trust score
No Information
No Information
Full Time, Remote
from $ 5,800
Created At January 7, 2022
Candidate’s Short Bio

MateComplex platform with “Microservices” architecture(full project consists of more than 40 services) related to a platform for collaboration of brands and talents. I was working on: - writing new services(service for working with Redis storage, service for working with FB API); - implementing new features in existing services(touched more than 20 services); - 30% tasks are related to the Golang programming language; - improving, refactoring existing code in more than 20 services.

Сandidate’s Personal Information
Glittering Crow
A Candidate’s personal information will be provided when a Recommender agrees to the request of the Hiring Company.
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