Candidate’s Short Bio
Languages: Python (Django), Node.JS (JavaScript), PHP, React.JS (JSX), HTML, PL/SQL, Java, Scala, PL/PgSQL, Dart, Go (GoLang), C, CSS, Kotlin. Backend: Node.js, Express, Django, NPM, DotEnv, Http, Eslint, Docker, Shell Commands, BaaS, Cluster, IPC, Node-IPC, DjangoRestFramework (DRF), Path, Kue, Markdown, Pip19, VirtualEnvWrapper/VirtualEnv, Windows Power Shell (PS), Remote Desktop Connection (RDP), NodeMailer, Base-64, SMTP, Node-Fetch, Wheel, Flask, Jinja, Maven, Gradle, Git Version Control, Bull, Serverless.yml, Redis, YAML, AWS SAM, API Gateway, Docker-compose. Frontend: ReactJS, AJAX, JQuery, CSS3, EJS, Drupal, Wordpress,, Bootstrap, Redux, Preprocessing with SCSS and SASS, RegEx, Axios, Handlebars (HBS), ECMA, ES6, Materialize, ElectronJS, Electromon, Electron-Packager, Create-React-App, SVG, Scala frameworks Lift and Play, Flutter, Jade, Twirl, Lagom, Giter8. Authentication: JsonWebToken (JWT), Okta, Auth0, Express-session, OAuth2.0, Passport, Django-REST-Auth, Django-AllAuth, Client-sessions. Testing: Jest, Mocha, Chai, Postman for API testing, Supertest, JUnit for Java and Scala Unit Testing. Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL, Oracle, CSV, JSON, PL/SQL, Mongoose, PgAdmin4, Sequelize, PhpMyAdmin5, SQLite3, Epilogue, MongoDB, XML, Joi, RDMS, KnexJS, Redis, PL/PgSQL, Pg, AWS Lambda, Sharding, DynamoDB. Cryptography: Crypto, Bcrypt, SHA-256, RSA256, Node-RSA, Uuid, CRSF, Btoa, Diffie–Hellman key exchange (DH). Security: Helmet, CRSF, CSURF, Django-Filter, OWASP, Https, SSL/TLS, Certbot, OpenSSL, HSTS, Webroot (CA). Big Data: Hadoop, Zookeeper, MapReduce, YARN, Spark, Hive, Flume, HBase, Cassandra, Ambari, Akka, Kafka, SBT, Kubernetes, Apache Storm, Apache Hbase, Apache Pig, Hadoop, Daemon, HDFS, Numpy, Pandas. Blockchain: Consensys, Solidity, Hyperledger Fabric. Platforms: Apache, GCP, AWS, Azure, Windows Server, Pm2, Stripe, VSCode, Android, Ionos VPS & Dedicated Servers, JVM, Serverless Framework, AWS EC2. ............................................................................................................................................... CERTIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... Scala Certification I: TestDome Gold Certification Certification ID: Scala Certification II: TestDome Gold Certification Certification ID: