Candidate’s Short Bio
Experience Javascript Developer nanoexpress (Open Source) May 2019 - Present (2 years 6 months +) Built own backend framework for Node.js on top of uWebSockets.js Optimized it for maximum performance Added unique killer features to framework such as Ajv validation and OpenAPI generation with Single schema Senior Software Engineer Adversiting Media Group Jul 2019 - Present (2 years 4 months +) Built CRM from scratch with Bootstrap, React and Node.js Built complex services Backend services integrations (AWS S3, Sharp, Maps, etc) Built new ones as well as refactored old projects to reduce cost of future development (React) Built and deployed two AI models, optimized it as i can and make it working (Python, Tensorflow, Keras, aiohttp) DevOps tasks such as configuring and maintaining SSL, Docker, CI, ELK, Nginx, etc Yandex Cloud services using Implementing the tools for backend in JS (Node.js) Android application client in React Native JS Full-stack developer Self-employed Feb 2019 - Feb 2019 (1 month) Creating frontend part for NMP (own project). Improving code quality and performance both frontend and backend part of NMP. Learning new CSS and JS features as well as new HTML5 features such as WebComponents. Learning how to become Product Manager. Davlatjon Shavkatov - page 1 Watching free tutorials of programming language such as Elixir, Go, Swift, Java. JS Backend (Node js, Express) Developer Self-employed Web Developer Dec 2018 - Jan 2019 (2 months) Developed the OAUTH 2 authorization system, with an extended JWT token on Passport.js. I improved my knowledge in Node.js, and also studied in detail how Headless Chrome works. Began to study the frontend framework VueJS 2. I learned several code writing methodologies and started writing code better. Understood with Python and began to put into practice. Understood with PHP7 and began to put into practice. JS Frontend (React js) Developer aMemory.Pro - It outsourcing company Oct 2018 - Dec 2018 (3 months) I started working with the Material-UI Framework, completely re-using components on sites. Created a large number of graphs using React Charts. I developed the DEV configuration to work with the latest version of Webpack, as well as refactored the code to support Tree-shake / Dead-code elimination. Understood the work of react-css-modules (local, global CSS / SCSS classes), and also studied Critical CSS Rendering in more detail. Improved my skills - began to impose much faster and better. Communicated with team in Slack. Worked with Jira for tasks. Middle JS Frontend (React js) & Backend (Node js, Express) Developer SDH Digital Solutions Jan 2018 - Oct 2018 (10 months) Integrated stanza.js in React.js and finalized to work with XMPP chat (private messages, broadcasting). I created a service from scratch to get the address by coordinates and vice versa using google maps api. I started to use GraphQL API in practice (front & back) without using "heavy" frameworks. Used both single-threaded and simultaneous requests to backend services. Created a proxy websocket service for swapping on the fly user id for slug and name with last name for XMPP server There was an understanding of how SSR works on React.js. The entire project was created on 16 separate microservices that revolved around kubernetes. I could personally help to figure out how this works and why microservices are better than monolithic architecture. Locally, we developed at Docker, while I myself will be able to tweak a few microservices. I also worked with both SQL (Postgres) and noSQL (dynamodb) databases. Began to better understand the work of SCSS (variables, functions, mixins). I Helped to translate the project from Redux to MobX - later it reduced us a lot of development time. Figured out how OAUTH and JWT tokens work. I also worked with CI and understand what a blue / green deployment is. Davlatjon Shavkatov - page 2 Junior JS Frontend (React js) Developer Self-employed Web Developer Dec 2017 - Jan 2018 (2 months) Created a mobile application using Apache Cordova. Successfully worked with the Bulma UI Framework. Understood with all the nuances of CRUD on Node.js. Created a dev environment using ParcelJS. Used CI on the project. Junior JS Frontend & Backend (Node js) Developer Self-employed Web Developer Jun 2015 - Dec 2017 (2 years 7 months) Started working with animations on CSS3, SVG (Morphing, Drawing) and JS. I studied in detail ES6 and newer functions and concepts of JS. Started working with Node.js (Express). I read a lot of articles about performance optimization and began to put into practice I created several test applications using Cordova, Phonegap and Tabris.js. Created my first build system using Rollup, as well as studied in detail the work of Webpack and Babel. I practiced writing TypeScript, and even managed to work a bit with it. Поддерживал библиотеку анимации es6-tween. Created and maintained Plug-ins for es6-tween animation library. Refactored whole es6-tween animation library from Javascript to TypeScript and again refactored back to Javascript. Junior JS Frontend & Backend (PHP) Developer Shavkatoff Studio Apr 2015 - Jun 2015 (3 months) Created my first website using Wordpress. Understood how it works and wrote several plugins. Improved my knowledge of JS, CSS and layout. Junior JS Frontend Developer Self-employed Web Developer Feb 2012 - Apr 2015 (3 years 3 months) Improved my knowledge of Javascript and began to apply jQuery (Zepto) everywhere. A lot of cross-browser and cross-devaysno versions (mobile and desktop browsers). I created from scratch a few websites, and also helped to finalize a few open-source projects. Created and maintained es6-tween animation library.